The Taupō Harriers Summer Series takes place on 19 February 2025, as part of a bi-weekly running event held on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer months. This event is hosted at Wharewaka Point, a scenic location along the shores of Lake Taupō.
The course features an out-and-back loop along the Great Lake Pathway and Lions Walk, leading participants to the picturesque 2 Mile Bay. This setting provides runners with views of the lake and surrounding landscapes, enhancing the experience of the event.
Additionally, there is a children’s race that consists of two laps around Wharewaka Point, covering a distance of 1500 meters. The series not only promotes community engagement and physical activity but also highlights the local natural beauty.
Post-race activities and amenities may include refreshments and social gatherings for participants. The Taupō Harriers, who organize the event, have been instrumental in fostering a running culture within the community.