The Taupō Harriers Summer Series features a running event scheduled for 5 February 2025, taking place at Wharewaka Point, located along the scenic shores of Lake Taupō. This annual series runs every fortnight on Wednesday evenings during the summer months, offering an opportunity for both competitive and recreational runners to engage in the local running community.
The course consists of an out-and-back loop along the Great Lake Pathway and Lions Walk, leading participants to the picturesque 2 Mile Bay. This route is characterized by its flat terrain, ideal for runners seeking a fast course, as well as its stunning lake views, enhancing the overall experience.
In addition to the main event, a kids’ race is held, involving two laps around Wharewaka Point, covering a shorter distance. The series is organized by the Taupō Harriers, a local club dedicated to promoting running and community engagement. Post-race activities and amenities typically include gathering areas for participants to socialize and reflect on their experience.